Kuva öisestä ajotiestä

Traffic and logistics

Geometrix location-based solutions meet the varied demands of logistical management, transport infrastructure maintenance and vehicle tracking. 

Put vehicle locations and routes with driving times on the map

View vehicle and task performance statuses and progress in real time

Pull rich reports and journals from the data

Hyötyajoneuvoja talvihoitotyössä

Route data that benefits business

Our easy-to-implement solutions can be as simple as recording vehicle routes using a GPS tracker or a mobile app. Implementing is effortless and route data is saved in our cloud service with the vehicle and work type data.

Talvihoidon aurauskalusto kerää ajon aikana dataa, joka voidaan koostaa paikkatiedon avulla ajopäiväkirjaksi

Wide range of functions

Supervisors can retrieve data in the map view of the browser application or in a report using a wide range of search words such as vehicle, time, location, work types.

From the route data, you can check to the second when, for example, a certain part of the street has been ploughed or how many sanding runs were made last month. 

Site/service area specifications show directly how many times the vehicle has been driven within a given time period within a specified area, e.g. a property. There are work types for all needs, e.g. lawn mowing, winter maintenance, waste management, maintenance inspections. 

Näkymä tietokoneen ruudulle piirtyvästä huoltoajojen seurannasta

Data can be used in many ways

A service product can be a simple driver’s logbook or a refined geospatial data solution where route data is a part of the package. The refined data can be used in invoicing, task optimization, status tracking and as a safety tool.