Työpöytäsovelluksen työmaapäiväkirjanäkymä tietokoneen ruudulla

Site journal

Our electronic site journal enables real-time entries, ensuring instant accessibility of all site events to everyone involved.

The entries are saved and easily accessible far into history which may be crucial in possible disputes or later inspections. 

An efficient tool for project data management

Improved information flow between site and office

Less manual recording, more data precision

Data shared easily with contractors or clients

The electronic site journal generates a daily overview of site events

Daily tasks can either be entered on the web form or you can import tasks on the mobile app. 

The journal events and documents are saved in an archive where they are easy to retrieve later. 

A great benefit of the electronic site journal is that the supervisor and customer can easily be given access to view and comment on site data. 

The Geometrix site journal can be adapted based on the project needs. You can create various page templates for construction or maintenance, for instance. 

Työpöytäsovelluksen työmaapäiväkirjanäkymä tietokoneen ruudulla taustallaan työmaa

Electronic events archive

The site journal is an important tool because data on completed tasks and other events needs to be archived even after the completion of the project. 

In problem situations, it is easy to go back to a certain date in the journal, if everything is electronically archived. 

Contact us

Please fill out the contact form if you have any inquiries or if you’d like more information about our products and services.